Calendar & Term Dates

Term dates

Below are our term dates for the next 2 academic years (click on an image to download the document). The term dates are set by Essex Local Authority and the school has to choose 5 Professional Development days (PD Days) per academic year when only staff attend the school. We try to link these to other local schools, including secondary schools, but this is not always possible. The PD Days have been highlighted in yellow for the current academic year.

Please note: The PD Days for 2022-23 have been agreed by the Governing Body but these could change nearer the time if required. The PD Days for 2023-24 have yet to be agreed, so these are not indicated on calendar yet. It should also be noted that due to the impending conversion to an academy, as part of the Saffron Academy Trust, that the term dates for 2023-2024 may change to match those of other trust schools.



